put your people at the center
and your business will thank you
How To Make Good Decisions: Don’t Be a Lone Wolf
Several decades ago, it was en vogue for a high-powered CEO or senior leader to cultivate a “lone-wolf leader” personality. The idea was that one hero would single-handedly advance their department or company with high expectations and little to no input from stakeholders.
The Founder of Patagonia Gave Away His Company to Live His Values
The Founder of Patagonia Gave Away His Company to Live His Values…
Six Habits of Highly Promotable People
Are you working really hard, but you can’t seem to get that promotion or raise that you deserve? You might be in what I call a career eddy…
(Article originally posted on
Are you on a path to promotion?
…get crystal clear on where you're strong and well-positioned for a promotion, and what you might be missing that's holding you back from moving your career forward.
Considering A Leadership Coach? Read This First.
It was the year 2001 and I had just been through a challenging divorce that forced me to rebuild my finances from zero. I was desperate to understand why it happened, and how to deal with my personal…